Same Verse, Different Message
Friday, May 23, 2008
Once in a while, people will ask me, "How do you know when God is talking to you?" Here's an example of how.
Just now, I was at a meeting. A friend of mine shared that she is struggling with a decision that she has to make. Spotting a Bible in the room, I told her to pray and ask God to give her a direction and to flip open the Bible to look for an answer.
She prayed and after she opened the Bible, she passed it back. "How am I suppose to know which verse to read?" I took the Bible and read out the first verse that my eyes set upon. It was something about wives listening to their husbands.
I thought that was completely out of point to her situation. Later, during the meeting, she shared that she had reached her decision because of that verse. That's because before that, she had discussed the issue with her husband and he gave her a piece of advice. So, after hearing the verse that I read, she felt that God had given her the confirmation on her decision.
So there you have it, God has many ways in which he communicates with us. We just need to ask and go to the right source.
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