Sunday, September 17, 2006
Last night I went to watch Host. Its a Korean movie and from the trailers, one would think that its a horror movie, about a monster that invaded the city or something.
To my real horror, it was a comedy! Of course when a monster is involved, some thrilling and disgusting scenes are unavoidable. However, I spent most of the time laughing.
Anyway, the movies is about a girl who was taken by this monster and 4 adults trying to look for her and rescue her from the monster's lair after finding out that she is still alive. These 4 adults were really funny and hence the comedy. In the end, the girl died. If you ask me, the story is just weird and doesn't have a really typical storyline which, actually makes it quite interesting.
On the whole, it was quite an enjoyable evening. Topped with LF showing me his webcam tricks that had me laughing for quite some time.
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