You Are So Beautiful To Me

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Once more, God has prevailed!

Yesterday's practice was a bit all over the place and honestly, I wasn't very happy about it. Reached home very tired as I used up a lot of mental energy trying to make things work during the practice but things still did not turn out as good as I would like them to be.

Then, last night, while I was resting and preparing for today, God reminded me that it is in our weaknesses that He is made strong. And that he will take a humble and contrite heart anytime. I took comfort in that and was reminded once again that God had to take over.

So, today's worship was great. I let go and God took over. And as I was singing those words, "You are so beautiful to me.", I could hear Him singing the same words back to me.

Many loved that song, some cried, but all glory goes to Him. For I think we made more mistakes than last night. The only improvement that we made is that we put Him in the center of our songs this morning. That somehow made all the difference and He made all things beautiful in His time.

P.S. Thanks to all who decided to go ahead with me on that song without understanding why I chose it. And also thanks to those who put in extra effort to make that song work.


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