Lousy Movie Experiences
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I watch quite a few movies recently and honestly, the experiences were quite terrible.
I watch Feng Yun and Avatar at Illuma Bugis last week and it seems to me that the screens are not tall enough because it was pretty obvious that the top of the screen is being "chopped" off. The characters were practically "hairless" during their close-ups as a lot of times, I could only see the face of the actors from the forehead down. It didn't look like it was done on purpose by the film makers, because, also, there were a few scenes in Avatar that seemed like they were chopped off the top too. I think I will boycott Illuma as much as possible.
Yesterday, I watch Bodyguards and Assasins. The film was being edited very badly and left a lot of scenes cut off arruptly, some were so bad that the link of the story was broken! Imagine that! So why should I pay for a lousy movie with so many scenes cut off when I can download the full movie and enjoy it at home?